


Lake District


North Yorkshire

North Wales



About Summiteer

~Pendle Hill~

28th March 2011

Drystone Wall

Wall Rebuild

Scroll down for photos and a description of the walk....


The Start

So, it's my turn to look after nephew Matthew (5) whilst mum is attending a course. There's only one thing for it.



The youngster said "It's a real sheep. It's head moved" I'm not sure what to make of that remark.

Black Moss

Black Moss

I don't usually stop at this point. Matthew was delighted to be offered the chance to climb Pendle Hill. I decided to break the climb into five parts and this is the end of part two, so we can have a rest. Part three is the first half of the climb up the steps.


Racing Ahead

Off he goes, I could be struggling to keep up.


The Rocks

The rocks at the top of the steps, end of part four. We had a few rests, but no heel dragging or moans. And Matthew was OK aswell.

The Stile

The Stile

Part five is the plateau walk to the summit.

Pendle Summit

The King of Pendle!

No one forgets their first time! I allowed the young fellow to choose his own clothes for the walk, the cardigan is quite fetching. On the basis of effort and reward, I produced a packet of chocolate buttons for Matthew upon him reaching the top. Importantly I had to check they were alright before handing them over and I didn't want him to eat too many, so I had to have a few more.


A police helicopter spent some time encircling an area close to Pendle.

Pendle Summit

The Summit

Lower Ogden Reservoir

Lower Ogden Reservoir

The first Pendle walk after the start of summertime has been a good one. No need to carry the youngster at any time. We brought some "binbocklears" and he had some fun looking into the distance. Once he'd put them the right way round.

Drystone Wall

Drystone Walling


The End

Walkers: Matthew and Me

Time taken: 1hr and 40 minutes over a distance of about 2.5 miles.

Route: From the roadside, up the steps and across the plateau, down the track back to the car.

Weather and conditions: Sunny on top, in the shade elsewhere. No wind, bit cool on top.

Greetings Count: We followed several people up the steps, they all got ahead, first greeting was close to the finish as the late starters were setting off - we had the top to ourselves.

Richard's Refreshment Review: Bob The Builder Spaghetti at Matt's Place.

Take me back to the start ....

Take me home....