

Lake District


North Yorkshire

North Wales


About Summiteer

~Links to Other Websites~

Fellwalking, unless stated

If you would like a webpage linking to this one, pleas get in touch - via the "About Me" page.

Roger and Ann Hiley's view from Loweswater. Mainly the Lakes, but also some excusrions from wider afield.

Alan Kilduff's "Pennine Walker" - first rate account of many Pennine walks along with plenty of other visits to the Lakes and Peak District.

Gary Richardson is from the North East and carries a big camera.

Mike Brockhurst's The Walking Englishman: dedicated to his passion for walking in the rich and varied landscape of Great Britain. Reading Mike's website often makes my legs ache!

Paul Sharkey - Sharkey's Dream, mainly the Lake District. Great write-ups of his intrepid adventures.

Sean McMahon's Striding Edge.net website is highly regarded. Features his dogs and his shops.

Central London Outdoor Group - A "new" link (April '16) - for those in and around London who would rather be somewhere esle.

Helmut Hudler - an Austrian, with a passion for walking and annual Lakeland adventures.

John Kelly - The purpose of this Happy Hiker website is to provide simple to follow directions for walking various routes, including GPS downloads and to give basic advice on a variety of walking issues. Added here on 28th Feb 2011, John's website is new and may take a short while to reach top gear.

Let me know if you would like a link through to your website or photo album.