


Lake District


North Yorkshire

North Wales



About Summiteer


16th July 2021

Peep round the corner

Peep Around the Corner

Lanthwaite Green Melbreak

Lanthwaite Green Parking

Friday's walk was Mellbreak from Lanthwaite Green. It's another scorcher and as we head down the lane (right) Molly has water on her mind and soon enough we'll be on the shore of Crummock Water.

Crummock Water

Paddling in Crummock Water

It's more than 10 years since my one an only ascent of Mellbreak. We will walk around the north end of Crummock Water and take the ever popular ascent from Loweswater as described in Wainwright Book 7.

Crummock Water Crummock Weir

Rannerdale Knots guards the southern end of the lake and a weir controls the outflow at the northern end. At the promontory marked on the map as Peel, many folk were getting ready to enjoy a more leisurely day. Large towels on the beach and inflatable water craft were taking shape. We take a permissive footpath to Green and then Flass Wood.

Flass Wood

Flass Wood

It's not long before we start the steep climb up Mellbreak.

Mellbreak Scree

Mellbreak Scree

I suppose it's never going to get any better, it's rough scree for a few hundred feet.

Loweswater Fells

Loweswater Fells


The Peep

There are a couple of peeps around the corner where walkers gain a view of Crummock Water and Buttermere.

Inflatable Fun

Inflatable Fun

Mellbreak North Top

Molly at Mellbreak North Top 1,668ft asl

This feels like the summit, but in reality it's the south top which is higher. Food was taken here.

Mellbreak Walk

Heading South

After our short rest at the north top, I re-shouldered my rucksac and plotted a route to the south top; in reality not much plotting was necessary as the path is well worn.

Molly Mellbreak Summit

Molly on top of Mellbreak 1,676ft asl

I'd heard emergency vehicle sirens and soon two mountain rescue vehicles could be seen along the shore of Crummock Water.

Rannerdale Knotts

Rannerdale Knotts

Later, it came to light that a man had gone missing in the lake. At the time of writing (21st July), the search continues and we can assume that the man lost his life whilst swimming in the lake.

Fleetwith Pike

Fleetwith Pike

The view down the lakes leads the eye to the pointy Fleetwith Pike. Our route took us down to Scale Force. I was pestered by Horse Flies (clegs). I now pocket bite cream along with a mobile phone, a small bouncy ball and poo bags etc. I find that very prompt application of the the right type of cream can be very useful in reducing the swelling etc.

Air Ambulance

Air Ambulance

The air ambulance was called, more in hope than expectation, I fear.

To Buttermere

Walking along the always-boggy path from Scale Force to Buttermere was not the smartest idea for one trying to avoid horse flies.


Upon reaching the village, it became apparent that the road down the side of Crummock Water was closed. This caused inevitable problems for those waiting for the Honister Rambler bus. One gentleman was expecting his grand-daughter to collect him in the village after his lengthy walk - and there was no mobile signal in the village. I offered him a lift to wherever he wanted to go if he walked to Lanthwaite Green with me; he declined on the basis that the young lady might find a way of getting to Buttermere.

Crummock Water

Crummock Water

We walked over the headland and back down to the very quiet road. By now a Coastguard Rescue Helicopter was in the air and a boat on the lake.

Water Searchers



Making our way back to the car.

Grasmoor Lanthwaite Green
Lanthwaite Green


Nostalgic Pleasure

You'd have to read Wainwright's Books with as much care as I do to understand the above photograph.

The chap met up with his grand-daughter near the Lorton signpost.

Walkers: Molly and Me.

Time taken: 6hrs 45mins over a distance of about 10 miles.

Route: Lanthwaite Green, Crummock Water north shore, Green Wood, Mellbreak steep ascent, north top, bit in the middle, south top; Scale Force, Buttermere Dubs, Buttermere village. Road, then fellside to and above Hause Point, more of the B5289 to get back to Lanthwaite Green.

Weather and conditions: Hot and Sunny!

Refreshments: A can of pop at Croft House Cafe in Buttermere.

Tea: Burger and chips at YHA in Keswick...give it a try when you can't get in anywhere else.

All photos copyright Richard Ratcliffe 2021 ©

Take me back to the start ....

Take me home....