


Lake District


North Yorkshire

North Wales



About Summiteer

~Wild Boar Fell~

17th April 2021

Wild Boar Fell


Scroll down for photos and a description of the walk....

Ribblehead Wild Boar Fell

This my is "lockdown escape" walk to mark the end of travel restrictions following the winter Covid-19 pandemic. Quite a bit of thought was given to a fitting way to mark a return to the fells. It was obvious that many would follow their instincts and SatNavs and find themselves in the Lake District, but I know somewhere else where there will be no crowds, no litter, no busy roads and no difficulty parking. We stop off at Ribblehead Viaduct for a drink and then catch sight of Wild Boar Fell as the car descends to Garsdale Head Station on the unclassified road from Cowgill in Dentdale.



Outhgill in Mallerstang is a small village (or hamlet) with no shops or pubs, no car parks and one church. Parking for a few cars can be found opposite St.Mary's Church. A public footpath runs through the churchyard and gives walkers a route to the riverside and ultimately onto the fellside.

St.Mary Outhgill

Church of St.Mary

For anyone armed with a map, we followed the "Pennine Journey" for a short while before heading up to Sycamore Farm. Jo Hall and Amber are with me today, keen to learn more about wild boars and stuff.

River Eden

River Eden

"They" have promised blue skies and little in the way of wind, it's all looking good so far.

Hazel Gill Farm Settle & Carlisle Railway

After the farm at Hazel Gill, the footpath aka The Pennine Bridleway heads uphill slightly and under the railway. For all of us, the Settle-Carlisle Railway has always been here. Can you imagine the landscape before it? After it might be no longer required? Or during its construction?

Wild Boar Fell Ascent

The Ascent

The contours on the map tighten and this is where the ascent starts in earnest. There's not many folk about.

Molly the Collie

Molly the Collie

Little Fell

High Dolphinsty

Little Fell is in view behind us and Molly rests on the gentle slopes of High Dolphinsty.

Jo & Amber

Jo & Amber

Jo was reflecting on the fact that she had never been up here before. It's the first time I've climbed Wild Boar Fell other than from either Garsdale or Kirkby Stephen Railway Station. Just now, railway travel has lost its appeal.

Wild Boar Fell


Molly n Me on top of Wild Boar Fell

Wild Boar Fell Summit 2,323ft asl

The shelter has been repaired since my last visit and the trig has also received some care and attention, money well spent. Notice how there are now two seats, approximately 2m apart!

Yoadcomb Scar

There are two summits of equal height up here - the one with the trig point and this one on the edge of Yoadcomb Scar. This has the better viewpoints and just over the fence are a line of "stone men". We are not going that way today.

Little Fell

To Little Fell

We decided to head back down the same way before heading over Little Fell and down to Sandpot Farm and Pendragon Castle.

Settle Carlisle Line

Northbound Service Train

As luck would have it, a train came along as we crossed the railway bridge. A yellow light means the next signal is currently red, so the driver of any train going south can begin to slow down. On busier lines, you might see a "double-yellow", this means the next signal is currently yellow and hence the one after will be red. If there is a white light on the train, it is coming towards you; if the light you see is red, the train will be going away from you.

Sandpot Farm

Sandpot Farm

High Seat

High Seat

A little bit of a circuitous route to find Pendragon Castle involving this short stretch of road. The fell over there is High Seat.

Pendragon Castle

Pendragon Castle

The castle was built in the 12th Century and fell into disrepair some 400 years later. The land and castle are privately owned and visitors are asked not to enter the castle or climb on the walls. Hence, most visitors enter the castle and climb the walls, well we saw a group of (hopefully) no more than six and they were clambering over whatever bits could be clambered over. There are no toilets or refreshment facilities here, poor castle...if it were in North Wales, you'd be able to buy teatowels and enjoy a takeout meal and drink...can we go to Wales, yet?



Here a footpath goes through the farmyard and enters a field before reaching Ing Hill. Not recommended for dog walkers as there might normally be cows in this field and at the far end is a most difficut stile for those with dogs.

Parking in Outhgill

Parking in Outhgill

I'm guilty of exaggerating the car parking provision; there is really only room for two or three cars. A fantastic way to get things going again on wonderful open countryside with great views.

Walkers: Jo with Amber; Molly and Me.

Time taken: 6hrs 30minutes over a distance of about 9.5 miles. We took it easy.

Route: Outhgill, River Eden, Sycamore Farm, Deep Gill, Hazel Gill, up to High Dolphinsty for Wild Boar Fell. Back via Little Fell and Sandpot Farm.

Refreshements: Tea n' Tiffin courtesy of my kettle and baking skills.

Weather and conditions: Sunny and just the right temperature for fellwalking.

Nearly all photos copyright Richard Ratcliffe 2021 ©

Take me back to the start ....

Take me home....