


Lake District


North Yorkshire

North Wales



About Summiteer

~Pendle Hill~

11th July 2013

Pendle Summit

Pendle Summit

Scroll down for photos and a description of the walk....

Lower Coldwell Sunset

Lower Coldwell Sunset 9th July 2013

I had set off for Pendle Hill on 9th July, but realised it was a bit late, so diverted up to Coldwell Reservoirs for this view. Maybe if I send it to Granada, they will use it on the weather report?

Aiken Wood

Aitken Wood on Stang Top Moor

Leaving Barly at 18:00hrs, I headed up Barley Hill for a frontal ascent of Pendle, using what I call the "flank" route.

Lower Ogden Res Lower Ogden Reservoir

Two Views of Lower Ogden Reservoir



Looks like good fun!

Paths Meet

Paths Meet

The track up from Pendle House meets the flank route and jointly head for the summit.

Paraglider and Summit Black Moss


North from Pendle

The Plateau

I had the top of Pendle Hill to myself for fifteen minutes, not really what I expected on such a fine evening.

boar Clough

Boar Clough

Meadow Pipit

Meadow Pipit

Ogden Clough

Ogden Clough

Upper Ogden Res

Upper Ogden Reservoir

Level up on my last visit, 16 days ago, that's a little surprising.

To Lower Ogden Res

The View to Lower Ogden Reservoir

"They" are cleaning the old overflow channels at both reservoirs. No wonder the water charges are so high !!

Pumping Station

The Pumping Station at Lower Ogden Reservoir

Walkers: Just Me

Time taken: 2hrs 10 mins over a distance of about 5.5 miles.

Route: Barley, Barley Hill, flank up to Pendle Summit, Boar Clough, Ogden Reservoirs, Barley.

Weather: Sunny and warm.

Granada Weather

The Weather Photo - spelt my name wrong, again!

All photos copyright Richard Ratcliffe 2013 ©

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