

Lake District


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About Summiteer

~Pendle Hill~

yesterday, 31st March 2010

Today, it's a new month: Hello April! Bring us some sunshine as soon as you can.

I can report on another look at Pendle Hill, which took place yesterday afternoon. I have some news for you, PH is now a greener, cleaner place....

Pendle Hill Summit

The Summit

Scroll down for photos and a description of the walk

Pendle Hll

New Regulations

Late last year I wrote to Pendle and Ribble Councils, with the aim of making Pendle Hill England's first "No Smoking" fell. It looks as though the regulations have been passed and this notice makes the position clear. This is a transcript of my letter...

Richard Ratcliffe
20 Mayfair,
BB10 2SU
Monday, 21 December 2009

Mr. Lambert
Environmental Health Officer
Pendle Borough Council
Market Street,
Lancs. BB9 7LJ

Dear Sir,

For some time now I have wondered whether or not Pendle Hill might become England’s first “No Smoking” mountain. I am a frequent climber of our wonderful local landmark and never fail to be dismayed when I see smokers on the fell.  The principle of a walk on these slopes is surely to improve one’s health and wellbeing and the act of smoking is entirely contradictory to this principle.

I think a few well placed signs and a publicity campaign should raise awareness and all walkers will benefit from new regulations.

I am writing the same letter to Mr. Butler of Ribble Valley Council, he holds a similar position to you on the other side of the fell. Between you, all the slopes and approaches can be taken care of. You will be ground-breakers in this field and more authorities and landowners may well follow suit.

Please let me know what you think,

Yours faithfully,




I received a favourable reception from both councils, they indicated that for procedural and cost purposes, the new regulations would have to wait until late March and the cost placed into the new fiscal year. Signs are now on all approaches.

Pendle Hill


I saw several of these signs all the way along the route. Here the steps lead to the summit plateau.

Pendle Hill

The Downham Route

The route from Downham and a further reminder that smoking is no longer allowed on Pendle Hill. I took a peep over the wall to make sure no one was having a drag on the sly.

Pendle Stile

The Stile

I appreciate the two councils' efforts but I don't really want these stickers affecting my photography.

Cigarette But

The Evidence

I found a good number of these, but it is not clear if they were deposited before or after the new regulations.

Pendle Summit

The Trig

Not sure about the positioning of this sticker, but they are determined to get the message across. There used to be an ashtray on the top of the column, but that's long gone.

Pendle Smoker

Sneaky Smoker

Gotcha!! I saw this man sneaking a crafty fag behind the trig, but he is running the risk of the authority's wrath. I told him about the new laws and asked him to extinguish his cigarette; I am not too happy with his reply.

Pendle Hill

Proud Pendle

So, Pendle Hill is now England's 1st No Smoking Mountain. Well Done to Mr. Lambert & Mr. Butler from the two councils. I shall be campaigning to have all the Lakeland Fells similarly protected.

Walkers: Just Me

Time taken: 1hr 11 minutes over a distance of approx. 3 miles.

Route: Roadside parking and the shortest route to the top, up right, along the top, down left.

Weather and conditions: A bit chilly, previous night's snow had quickly melted.

Greetings Count: Very Low - just the smoker on the summit, but there was a small group of protesters from a pro-smoking group picketing the lane from the road.

Richard's Refreshment Review: Nothing to report today.

All photos copyright Richard Ratcliffe 2010 ©

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