~Holme Fell & Black Fell~
1st November 2008
I am writing this web page 14 months after the event and that makes recollection a little difficuly. The photos are great memory-joggers in themselves.
I parked at Hodge Close Quarry ....
Holme Fell Summit
Scroll down for photos and a description of the walk
Parking and first photo at 07:40
Morning Sky over Langdales
If you've never been to Hodge Close, make it a priority. The holes in the ground are amazing and you can get down to the water level if you know the way. From the car parking area, there are numerous walks in all directions, you are in a good spot.
Hodge Close Quarry
The Langdale Pikes
Cottages in Tilberthwaite
Holme Fell and Black Fell are the two lowest of the Southern Fells. A fine walk combines the two and on a good day, it's a great walk.
Me at the top of Holme Fell
Banded Galloways
Woodland in Autumn
Changes at Iron Keld
Crinkle Crags and Bowfell
What a fantastic day to be on the fells! I had two cameras with me today and I was just getting to know the new Canon EOS 350D (I think).
Black Crag Summit
Low Colwith Farm
Typical Lakeland Cottage
This is the last photo from the walk. It's on the route back to Hodge Close from Little Langdale.
Windermere and the Fairfield Horseshoe
Home of The Hat-Trick Cafe
Walkers: Just Me
Time taken: About 5hrs over a distance of about 9 miles, both time and distance could do with a closer scrutiny.
Route: Hodge Close, Holme Fell, Tarn Hows, Black Fell, Low Colwith, towards Little Langdale and then back along the miners' track to Hodge Close.
Weather and conditions: Bright, sunny Autumn day
Greetings Count: Low, the early start always helps
Richard's Refreshment Review: I called in at The Hat-Trick Cafe at Yew Tree Barn, High Newton for a cuppa. I f you have never been here, sort it out and pay them a visit, you cannot be disappointed. Unless they're shut.
All photos copyright Richard Ratcliffe 2009 ©