

Lake District


North Yorkshire

North Wales



About Summiteer


A featured fell is my way of studying each fell in turn and recording thoughts and observations.

I cannot easily think of any other sizeable Lakeland mountain that is so difficult to enthuse about. I may appear to be guilty of plagiarism to describe the summit as a cheerless place, but I'm really only agreeing with Wainwright.


The Summit

Ullscarf could be reason No.1 on anyone's list of reasons why they would not do a 2nd round of Wainwrights. Lakeland is a wonderful place, but it would be wonderfuller if some of the middle bits, like this wide spread of boggy and uninteresting territory, had been better designed.



The most distinguished feature of the summit plateau is the ruined fence.


Ullscarf from Great Crag

In the wintry shot (above) you may just be able to see a little bit of Dock Tarn.

Wainwright quotes on Ullscarf:

of the higher slopes "inexpressibly dreary"

of the top of the fell "the dullest imaginable"

of the ridge route to Armboth Fell "after rain, wear thigh-length gumboots"

of the ridge route to High Raise "good views are compensation for the dullness of the immediate surroundings, but there are many better walks in Lakeland than this"

Where: Central Slap, bang in the middle.

Height: 2370ft.

Suggested Route: Well I approached from Calf Crag and Greenup.

My Frequency: Twice.

Whilst You're There: Armboth Fell, with wellies.

Someone Else's View: The Hileys walk of 12th September 2007

Walk Dates: with links to Reports (on this website) where applicable:

27/06/15 20/10/07

All photos copyright Richard Ratcliffe 2010 ©

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