~Loadpot Hill~
A featured fell is my way of studying each fell in turn and recording thoughts and observations.
AW: "Loadpot Hill is the principal eminence of the High Street range at the northern extremity, and is extensive in area. Five pages of maps are necessary in order to show fully the main approaches to the fell from the villages at its base.".
Loadpot Hill Summit
I can only offer photos from a walk over and across the fell, I hope to add a couple of distant views at a later time.
To Loadpot Hill
The above photo was taken after leaving Bonscale Pike. Just look at the wildernesss, a vast acreage for the solitary walker to enjoy. This may not be rough and rocky, but it has much to offer. Peace and quiet in abundance.
Loadpot Hill "Chimney"
All that remains of the chimney which once belonged to a shooting-lodge. The hill in the near distance is Wether Hill, another fell to which Wainwright wrote a chapter. It's the easiest one mile of fellwalking you could imagine. Loadpot Hill is vast and deserves much more than I can offer at the moment, but viewers can be assured that it is well worth a visit; it's airy, wild and on a fine day such as I had, it is a great place to be wandering.
Where: Far Eastern Fells. On the long ridge also known in places as High Street (Roman Road).
Height: 2201ft
Suggested Route: The Ascent from Pooley Bridge, taking in the other summits of Arthur's Pike and maybe also Bonscale Pike.
My Frequency: Once as per route above.
Whilst You're There: Wether Hill is a gimme and you may also have visited Arthur's Pike and Bonscale Pike on the way up.
Someone Else's View: Neil Haslewood's walk of 16th April 2008.
Walk Dates: with links to Reports (on this website) where applicable:
All photos copyright Richard Ratcliffe 2010 ©
Give me any comments you have about Loadpot Hill.