


Lake District


North Yorkshire

North Wales



About Summiteer


10th February 2023


Molly Wansfell

Molly on top of Wansfell

Oh Dear! There are occasions when enthusiasts allow their heart to rule their head, no matter what the passion. Anyone with an ounce of common sense would have looked at the weather on Friday and just driven home. The cloud was low; the air damp with drizzle and visibility was limited. However, we found ourselves in Ambleside and Wansfell is a fell unclimbed by Molly and so off we go...

Hayes Garden Centre

Hayes Garden Centre

I parked the car on the roadisde near Waterhead; there is free parking for maybe 20 cars and set off up Blue Hill Road.

Blue Hill

Blue Hill - I was There

Here We Go

Wansfell CLimb

To Wansfell



Wansfell Pike
Wansfell Pike
To Wansfell

Wainwright is generous in offering views from both Wansfell and Wansfell Pike; I'm supposing he thought it was OK to reach Wansfell Pike and consider the job done. It's been good enough for me in the past, but today with madness in the air, we head off to the higher summit of Wansfell.

Wansfell Summit Molly

Molly on top of Wansfell 1,597ft asl

My word! It is grim up here; my waterproofs aren't and the weighty, un-belted trousers are unwilling to stay up. The camera is stowed away in the less-than-waterproof day sack. Subsequent pictures were taken with my mobile phone.

The Wall

We head off to follow the wall which will lead into Nanny Lane.

Nanny Lane

Nanny Lane

I decided to head back on a well-used path to Wansfell Pike. If we had carried on down Nanny Lane, we would have been a long way from the car and bus routes. This is the downside of fellwalking, I'm happy to take the rough with the smooth and this little fell was tackled at no extra financial cost, which should not be overlooked.

Wansfell Descent

Back Down to Ambleside

Ambleside Parking

Ambleside Parking

Walkers: Me n' Molly

Time taken: 2.5hr over distance of about 4 miles.

Route: Up Wansfell Pike via Blue Hill Road and footpath up to the top. Wall route to Wansfell and more wall following to Nanny Lane and back to Wansfell Pike for the descent.

Weather and Conditions: Damp and damper, wet, muddy, wetter.

Greetings: A few other fellbaggers were as daft as me.

All photos copyright Richard Ratcliffe 2023 ©

Take me back to the start ....

Take me home....