


Lake District


North Yorkshire

North Wales



About Summiteer

~Pendle Hill~

15th September 2011

Pendle Summit

Pendle Summit

Scroll down for photos and a description of the walk....


Pendle People

Like flies to dung, like boozers to the pub, Pendle People are out in force on this fine day. I'm lost without blue sky and sunshine and this week we are offered one day when the clouds are absent and the isobars are far apart. The start time is 17:50.

Pendle House

Pendle House and Barley Hill

Look carefully and you will see two powered bikes, not what I like to see on Pendle.

Pendle Ascent

Pendle Ascent

I decided to take advantage of the fine weather and walk well ahead of the sunset time.

Pendle Summit

Pendle Plateau

Pendle Sunset

Pendle Sunset

Blackpool Tower

Blackpool Tower

Pendle Trig Point

The Summit

Lower Ogden Reservoir

Lower Ogden Reservoir


Pendle Predator

Walkers: Just Me

Time taken: 1hrs 8mins over a distance of about 2.5 miiles.

Route: Roadside parking, up the steps, along the summit plateau and down the track.

Weather and conditions: Clear and sunny.

Greetings Count: Lots of folk enjoying the break in the weather!

Richard's Refreshment Review: Nothing to report.

County Champions: Lancashire


77 Years!!

I, that is R.M.Ratcliffe, was taught (at school) to play cricket by.....R.M.Ratcliffe - I bet that doesn't happen too often!

Take me back to the start ....

Take me home....