


Lake District


North Yorkshire

North Wales



About Summiteer

~Pendle Hill~

31st May 2011



Scroll down for photos and a description of the walk....

Pendle Hill

Pendle Hill

April was predominantly dry, if a little windy at times. In Northern England, May has been consistently wet and windy. I've waited more than three weeks for a chance to climb Pendle Hill, but here was the chance and not one to miss. 19:50hrs departure from Barley - roadside, as the car park is said to be closed and locked from 21:00hrs.

Lower Ogden Reservoir

Lower Ogden Reservoir

The surface ripples tell the story of the breeze. Lower than last time, but not a cause for concern, because .....

Upper Ogden Reservoir

Upper Ogden Reservoir

.... Upper Ogden Reservoir is full and overflowing, very different from last time I looked.



Ogden Clough

Ogden Clough

Boar Clough

Boar Clough

Boar Clough was dry last time I walked up this way. The sky was alive with twittering birds and this one was having a rest.


Skylark, perhaps

Pendle Sunset

Sunset on Pendle

Ample reward for this evening walker. A greater reward was the solitude on offer up here.

Sunset on Pendle

Pendle Sunset

Black Moss

Fading Light over Barley

I returned to the car at 21:45hrs.

Walkers: Just Me

Time taken: 1hr 54 mins. over a distance of about 4 miles.

Route: Barley Village, Ogden Clough, Boar Clough, The Summit, Steps, over the fields of Barley to Barley Village.

Weather and conditions: Sunny and a cool breeze.

Greetings Count: Very few, one lady in Ogden Clough and two runners on the ascent of the steps, mad fools!

Take me back to the start ....

Take me home....