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~Barrowford to Barley~

27th May 2012

We really don't need to travel for long or very far to find some great scenery here in East Lancashire.

Pendle Water

Pendle Water

Scroll down for photos and a description of the walk....

Barrowford weir

Barrowford Weir

About four miles from home is the small town of Barrowford. Parking at the Heritage Centre, we started the walk at 11:00hrs, Karen is with me today and wearing walking sandals! So it's my job to avoid boggy bits between here and Barley.

Booths in Barrowford East Bank, Barrowford
Site for Booths Supermarket
East Bank, Barrowford

Barrowford Scenes

Booths are soon to open a supermarket in Barrowford. East Bank, Barrowford has limited room for cars.

Pasture House

Pasture House

Our route for Pasture House is cut short as the way I chose for today goes left and into a field at the marker in view (l).

West Pasture

West Pasture

House are not my favourite camera subjects, but in this context, it gives the viewer a flavour of country life on the eastern side of Pendle Hill.

Pendle Hill

Pendle Hill

I wanted some "cotton wool" clouds for this photo! Nevermind, I'll just have to make do with clear skies and warm sunshine. How green is our valley? Much of this is accessible to walkers via public and permissive footpaths.

Hawthorne and Pendle

Hawthorn Bushes

It seems to have been a good year for hawthorn blossom, does this point to a warm summer??

Whitehough Cottages Barley Cottages
Whitehough Cottages
Barley Cottages
Barley Houses The Cabin, Barley
Closer to Barley
The Cabin, Barley

Arriving in Barley



Really well looked after, maybe fully restored. Immaculate condition! Similar on AutoTrader, 1960 - £20K. Only out at weekends?



Quite well looked after. Good Condition. No matches online, 19**, poa (!). Also only out at weekends....

Roughlee Cottages

Roughlee Cottages

Roughlee Weir

Roughlee Weir

In Brierfield, "they" have dismantled a weir to allow fish easy access upstream, I wonder if they might do the same here?

Roughlee old Hall

Roughlee Old Hall (1596)

One corner of which is for sale at £349,500. Rumour persists that Alice Nutter, one of the "Pendle Witches" once lived in this building.

North Farm, Roughlee

Roughlee Farm

Pendle Water

Route Back to Barrowford

We came over from Barrowford by an elevated route and this lower level return offers different views.

Water Meetings Barrowford

Picnics at Water Meetings



Higherford Bridge

Higherford Bridge

The walk concludes with an easy river stretch from Water Meetings to Higherford Bridge and then back to the car park. You'd be a little unlucky not to see a Dipper at this time of year, I usually spot one.

So, that's an easy afternoon stroll in East Lancashire. Barrowford and Barley are two easy-to-get-to places with good car parking and many walking opportunities.

Walkers: Karen & Me.

Time taken: 3hr 40mins over a distance of about 6 miles.

Route: Barrowford, Pasture Lane, fields, back onto Pasture Lane, Roughlee, Barley, Food, Roughlee, Pendle Water, Water Meetings, Higherford, Barrowford.

Weather and conditions: Sunny, warm and a gentle breeze.

Greetings Count: Plenty of folk about, it turns out that several other family members visited Barley on this sunny afternoon, but not at the same time.

Richard's Refreshment Review: Very tasty toasties at The Cabin. They were well staffed up to deal with the busiest day of the year.

Take me back to the start ....

Take me home....